
Vichon Wines

Introducing the Vichon Cabernet Sauvignon IGP PAYS D’OC and VICHON CHARDONNAY IGP PAYS D’OC, two wines that epitomizes the harmonious blend of tradition and modernity. Rooted in the fertile clay-limestone soils, this Cabernet Sauvignon is a testament to the unique terroir of the region, where the grapevines bask under the Mediterranean sun, drawing nourishment and character from the earth.

Vichon Cabernet Sauvignon IGP PAYS D’OC

The vinification and maturing of this exquisite wine are a meticulous process. Traditional vinification techniques, including an extended maceration period, are employed to extract a rich array of colors, aromas, and tannins. A portion of the wine is expertly oaked, imparting a robust structure and subtle, spicy nuances. This careful process ensures a wine that is both rich in heritage and contemporary in its appeal. On the palate, the Vichon Cabernet Sauvignon reveals itself in a splendid bright robe, adorned with a deep red hue.

The olfactory senses are greeted with a melody of blackcurrant and spice aromas, elegantly intertwined with gentle woody undertones. The taste is a beautifully rounded and well-balanced experience, marked by fruity notes and velvety tannins that glide effortlessly across the palate. With an alcohol content of 13% vol., this wine is best served at a temperature of 16-17°C, making it an ideal companion for dishes like beef carpaccio with parmesan cheese and hazelnut oil, where its flavors can truly shine and complement the culinary experience.

Discover the Vichon Cabernet Sauvignon IGP PAYS D’OC, a harmonious fusion of old-world charm and modern refinement. Grown in rich clay-limestone soils, this wine offers a palatial blend of blackcurrant and spicy oak undertones.


Rooted in the rich, clay-limestone soil of the region, the VICHON CHARDONNAY IGP PAYS D’OC is a remarkable testament to its diverse terroir. The unique soil composition allows for the cultivation of expressive and characterful Chardonnay grapes. The vinification process harmoniously blends traditional methods with modern techniques. It starts with direct pressing, followed by cold settling, and fermentation in stainless steel vats at a controlled temperature of 17°C. This meticulous approach preserves the wine’s intricate flavors and aromas. Part of the Chardonnay is subtly oaked, adding complexity and depth.

In appearance, the VICHON CHARDONNAY showcases a beautiful yellow color with golden highlights. Its complex and intense nose offers a symphony of white flowers, such as acacia and hawthorn, coupled with hints of cinnamon and vanilla. The taste is fresh and rounded, leading to a persistent finish that features candied fruit and toasted notes. This balanced and elegant wine, ideally served at 14°C, is versatile in pairing, particularly with white meats and cheeses. Its 13% alcohol content is seamlessly integrated, making it both approachable and sophisticated.

Experience the elegance of VICHON CHARDONNAY IGP PAYS D’OC. Crafted from grapes nurtured in unique clay-limestone terroir, this Chardonnay captivates with its intricate bouquet and balanced palate of white flowers and candied fruit.



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2598 East Sunrise Blvd, Suite 2104, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33304
(Mon - Sat)
(8am - 05 pm)