

Welcome to the World of Felizola Wines

Discover the enchanting flavors of Felizola, a collection of wines that embody the essence of France's celebrated Bergerac region.

Each bottle of Felizola is a journey through a landscape rich in tradition and innovation, offering a diverse palette of tastes to suit every preference. From the sun-kissed vineyards to your glass, Felizola wines capture the spirit of French winemaking at its finest.
Felizola Dry White Wine

Felizola Dry White Wine

Origin: Bergerac region, France

Composition: 60% Sauvignon Blanc, 40% Semillon

Description: The Felizola Dry White Wine, hailing from the picturesque Bergerac region in France, is a delightful blend of 60% Sauvignon Blanc and 40% Semillon. This wine is a true representation of the region's terroir, offering a refreshing and approachable taste.

On the palate, it reveals a vibrant harmony of intense citrus aromas, intricately woven with subtle notes of acacia. The result is a wine that is both refreshing and sophisticated, perfect for those who appreciate the elegance of a well-crafted white wine.

Elegance in Every Sip: Unveil the elegance of Felizola Dry White Wine, where the art of winemaking and the richness of the Bergerac terroir blend seamlessly. This exquisite wine, with its balanced composition of Sauvignon Blanc and Semillon, offers a crisp and invigorating experience. Perfect for those cherished moments of relaxation or as a refined accompaniment to your favorite dishes, it’s more than a wine – it’s an experience.

Felizola Sweet White Wine

Felizola Sweet White Wine

Origin: Bergerac region, France

Grape Variety: 100% Sauvignon Blanc

Description: The Felizola Sweet White Wine is a delightful expression of the Sauvignon Blanc grape, crafted with care in the Bergerac region of France. Made from fully matured grapes, this wine presents a slightly sweet and wonderfully refreshing profile.

It features a rich tapestry of earthy tones, interlaced with the exotic flavors of ripe fruit. This wine is an excellent choice for those who savor the sweeter side of white wines, offering a perfect balance of sweetness and fruit-forward exuberance.

A Sweet Escape: Indulge in the delightful sweetness of Felizola Sweet White Wine. This wine is a tribute to the sun-ripened Sauvignon Blanc grapes of Bergerac, offering a taste that’s both luxurious and refreshingly sweet. It’s a perfect companion for warm evenings, celebratory toasts, or as a graceful finale to a fine meal. Let each glass transport you to the heart of France’s wine country.


Felizola Red Wine

Felizola Red Wine

Origin: Bergerac region, France

Composition: 60% Cabernet Sauvignon, 40% Merlot

Description: Felizola Red Wine is a testament to the art of winemaking. Blended by the renowned Master Sommelier Virginia Philip, this wine combines 60% Cabernet Sauvignon and 40% Merlot, creating a structured yet approachable masterpiece.

It showcases an array of complex aromas, including dark cherry, blackberry, and cassis, accented with subtle mineral notes. The wine's balanced and pleasing character makes it a standout choice, reflecting the exceptional skills in blending and dedication to quality.

Richness Redefined: Explore the depth and complexity of Felizola Red Wine. Crafted with a skillful blend of Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot, this wine is a symphony of rich, bold flavors, reflecting the soul of Bergerac’s reds. Ideal for those who appreciate a robust wine, it pairs exquisitely with hearty meals, making every dining experience memorable. Savor the richness that only Felizola can offer.



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2598 East Sunrise Blvd, Suite 2104, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33304
(Mon - Sat)
(8am - 05 pm)