Executive Overview

Introduction to J Street Imports

Welcome to J Street Imports, where our journey in the world of fine wines is not just about importing but about creating a narrative that resonates with history, quality, and innovation. Established by Peter Weitz, our company stands as a testament to a deep-rooted passion for the finest European wines and a commitment to introducing them to the American market.

Our Mission and Vision

At J Street Imports, our mission is to seamlessly bridge the rich traditions of European winemaking with the discerning tastes of American wine enthusiasts. Our vision is rooted in the belief that every bottle of wine is not just a product but a story of heritage, craftsmanship, and a celebration of the unique legacy of each vineyard.

Our Business Model

Our business model is centered around the meticulous selection of high-quality European wines, fostering enduring partnerships with vineyards, and ensuring each wine we bring to the U.S. market is a reflection of our commitment to excellence. We believe in not just meeting but exceeding the expectations of our customers and partners.

Market Positioning

J Street Imports is positioned uniquely in the wine importer industry. With our focus on exceptional European wines, particularly from France, and a blend of tradition and modern marketing strategies, we stand out in a competitive market. Our curated selection has placed us at the forefront, appealing to both connoisseurs and new wine enthusiasts alike.

A Word from Peter Weitz, Our Founder

Embark on a journey with Peter Weitz, from his roots in the District of Columbia to the birth of J Street Imports, where his deep-seated passion for history and wine converge. At the heart of our company lies Peter’s visionary leadership, steering J Street Imports with a commitment to innovation, excellence, and growth. His unique blend of historical reverence and a forward-thinking approach has crafted an ethos that is not just about importing wine but about bringing to life the rich tapestry of stories behind each bottle. Join us in experiencing a world where every glass of wine is a tribute to tradition, a nod to the future, and a celebration of a lifelong passion.



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2598 East Sunrise Blvd, Suite 2104, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33304
(Mon - Sat)
(8am - 05 pm)