Leadership and Expertise

Meet the Visionaries Behind J Street Imports

Meet the Visionaries Behind J Street Imports

At the core of J Street Imports’ success is a leadership team marked by passion, expertise, and a shared vision for excellence in the wine importing industry. Their diverse backgrounds and deep knowledge have shaped the company into a leading name in wine importing.
Peter Weitz President and Founder

Peter Weitz: President and Founder

Background: Discover Peter’s journey from the District of Columbia to founding J Street Imports, fueled by a passion for history and European wines. Vision: Learn about his vision for J Street Imports, which combines a deep appreciation for traditional winemaking with innovative business strategies..
James de Roany Associate Founder of GLOBAL VINI SERVICES

James de Roany: Associate Founder of GLOBAL VINI SERVICES (GVS)

Experience: A rich background managing vineyards in Provence and the Loire Valley, and his recognition as the “Best Wine Maker” in French regions. Expertise: Insights into James’ role in shaping the company’s wine selection and maintaining high-quality standards.
Gisèle MARGUIN Chef Sommelier

Gisèle MARGUIN: Chef Sommelier

Accolades: Explore Gisèle’s esteemed career in sommelier associations and her recognition as a Maitre Sommelier de l’Union de la Sommellerie française. Contribution: Discover how her expertise enhances the sensory experience and quality of the wines selected by J Street Imports.
Virginia PHILLIP

Virginia PHILLIP: Master Sommeller

Virginia Philip, a Master Sommelier, boasts a decorated career with accolades like "Best Sommelier" awards and a James Beard Foundation nomination. She leads at The Breakers Hotel and owns The Virginia Philip Wine, Spirits & Academy.
A Team Driven by Excellence

A Team Driven by Excellence

At J Street Imports, our team’s collective expertise is the cornerstone of our success and innovation in the wine industry. Comprising seasoned sommeliers, industry veterans, and marketing mavens, our team brings a wealth of knowledge and diverse perspectives. This rich tapestry of experience not only guides our strategic decisions but also fuels our continuous quest for excellence. Together, we navigate the complexities of wine importation, curate exceptional wine selections, and craft unique consumer experiences, positioning J Street Imports at the forefront of the industry.



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2598 East Sunrise Blvd, Suite 2104, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33304
(Mon - Sat)
(8am - 05 pm)