Virginia PHILLIP

Virginia PHILLIP

Master Sommeller
  • 1-561-843-4678
  • 2598 East Sunrise Blvd, Suite 2104, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33304

Master Sommelier Virginia Philip’s illustrious career is adorned with accolades and achievements spanning over a decade. In 2002, she achieved a groundbreaking milestone, becoming the 11th woman globally to receive the prestigious Master Sommelier accreditation, a testament to her exceptional proficiency and expertise in the wine industry.

Her skills and knowledge were further recognized when she clinched the title of “Best Sommelier of the United States” consecutively from 2002 to 2006, awarded by the American Sommelier Association. This remarkable feat was complemented in 2012 when the renowned James Beard Foundation honored her with a nomination for the Outstanding Wine & Spirits Professional award.

Adding to her distinguished career, on May 23, 2015, Philip was honored with an “Honorary Doctorate Degree of Oenology” by Johnson & Wales, her alma mater, recognizing her significant contributions to the field of wine and spirits. Currently, she leads as the Beverage Department Director at The Breakers Hotel and is the proud owner of The Virginia Philip Wine, Spirits & Academy in Palm Beach, where she continues to share her passion and knowledge with enthusiasts and professionals alike.



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2598 East Sunrise Blvd, Suite 2104, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33304
(Mon - Sat)
(8am - 05 pm)