
At Davis Hemp Farms we believe that an educated farmer is a successful farmer. Scroll down to see the full replay of each of our 3-part webinar series below.

2021 Webinar Series

Topics of discussion will include

  • Selecting genetics for fringe environments.
  • The effect of latitude on plant expresssions.
  • Where are we headed in the world of hemp genetics?
  • Breeding for terpenes & flavonoids.
  • How to recognize high quality seed.
  • How can we improve industrial hemp through modern breeding?

Topics covered in the event are

  • Tips on germination and field hardening from Eric Kietzer of Kietzer Farms.
  • Using microbial inoculants for seedlings and the science behind nutrient uptake with    Tim Gordon & Michael Key.
  • Integrated Pest Management for hemp at a glance. What are a the most common pests,      how to identify them, and the best management techniques.

Some of the discussion will include

  • The current status of interstate commerce under the new USDA final rule.
  • Post harvest vs. Pre harvest potency.
  • What makes a flower attractive to a buyer? 

Joining us to discuss this plus an open Q&A will be…

Jason Evans – Tweedle Farms – Seaside, Oregon
Will Oseroff – Blue Ridge Hemp – Asheville, N. Carolina
Drew Kitt – Two Moons CBD – Asheville, N. Carolina
Michael Bernstein – Laurelcrest – Seattle, Washington

2020 Webinar Series

About The Webinar

In this exclusive webinar from Davis Hemp Farms we will be going over the following topcis:

  • How to create a germination space.
  • How to select the right materials and media (flats/inserts/soil/plugs).
  • What is the proper germination environment?
  • How to harden your plants for field readiness?

In this exclusive webinar from Davis Hemp Farms we will be going over the following topics:

  • How to differentiate between genetics?  
    • Yield Potential
    • Mg/oil. per acre yield vs lb/plant
    • Sativa vs. Indica
  • Total THC Compliance – muddling through the snake oil salesman?
    • Genetics determines compliance NOT stressors or farming techniques
    • Comprehensive testing COA / Fem and Germ rates / Purity tests any university studies and testimonials.  All of this information needs to be a determining factor for purchasing seeds.
  • How to trust but verify all data and analytics.

Understanding Total THC Compliance

What you need to know if you are growing hemp or planning on switching to hemp after the new federal regulation changes to 0.3% Total THC limit.

  • How to determine if your seed provider is registered and licensed in your state?
  • What to look for on a Seed Label?​​​​​​
    • ​​​​​​​ Tests % for Inert Matter/Weed Seed/Noxious Weeds/Dormant Seed/Germ Rate/Other Crop/Purity/Viability as well as LOT# / Packaged and Tested Date
  • How to determine seed quality?
  • How to plan your testing schedule – Pre and post-harvest testing.



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2598 East Sunrise Blvd, Suite 2104, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33304
(Mon - Sat)
(8am - 05 pm)